Wednesday, 29 July 2015

New thinking in Room 4

We are always talking about how important it is to keep on trying in all things. Students are encouraged to understand that mistakes are important as our brain growns each time we make one, that asking questions is super important and that everything is about effort. 
As a school we have designed a new maths display that is school wide highlighting these important characteristics of learning. 

Below is a picture of our display: 

Try to get your kids using some of this language at home...maybe when you're reading with them or when you're doing home learning with them :) 

Mathematics in Room 4

At the moment we are learning about shape.
Today we used money to help us understand how many sides a shape has. 
Every child was given $11, each side costs $1, therefore a square costs $4. The students needed to make something ensuring that they used all of their money! A circle was free...obviously :) 
The students needed to ensure they were counting the sides of each shape and taking that money away from their $11. We then wrote number stories explaining how much our new 'shape' costs. 
Below are some pictures:

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Happy Birthday Emma-Jayne!

Oooh what a treat we had this afternoon! 
Today was Emma-Jaynes birthday and her dad decided to bring in some lamingtons for the whole class! We were so lucky and it was a great treat to end a busy day! 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Cryptic Fun!

Have a look at the picture below, see how many you can solve! 

Monday, 13 July 2015

Eric Carle Art, New Computers, New Term!

Over the holidays I have been busy getting the classroom ready for another great term of learning and fun! 

Our Eric Carle art is up on the walls (staple-gunned on the wall...don't tell Mr Lister!) Our Maui art, Matariki art and our korowai are up in the corner looking fabulous, and our computers have been moved! 

Yay! Room 4 have been given another two laptops to support our learning :) We now have a long ICT table that is waiting to be used by the kids. 

Term 3 is looking more and more exciting! 

Our topic for Term 3 is 'Art is All Around' - which suits Room 4 and myself perfectly as we all LOVE art, so watch this space to see all of our wonderful creations that will be popping up on our blog. Eric Carle will be our main focus; so feel free to bring in any Eric Carle books you may have at home that you wouldn't mind us borrowing for the term.

JET will also be focusing on our topic, so if you have lots of 'bits and pieces' at home that the kids may enjoy making things out of then please deliver them to us :) we would love it! 
Also, get thinking about creating a Wearable Arts costume that your child can parade around later on in the term...perhaps out of recycled materials! 

Below are some pictures of how great our classroom is looking with all of our wonderful artwork:

'The Mixed-Up Chameleon' artwork

Our Maui art and a sneak peak of our korowai

Odd and Even Monsters made from the books: One Odd Day and My Even Day

The two books we used to create our Odd and Even monsters!

LOOK!! New computers!!

Our new door for Term 3! 


Shaydon, Isobel, Sophie and Opal were extremely lucky to be chosen to go to Resene and paint a banner for the Hurricanes who were playing in Hawkes Bay....and oh my did they get a surprise! 

Some of the Hurricane players showed up to have pictures with the kids and to hand out flags, stickers and lollies!

The kids had so much fun painting the banners and having photos with the players...Room 4 are definitely going for the Hurricanes now!! 

Library Fun

Every Wednesday we visit the school library to issue a new book for the weekend. 
We absolutely love visiting the library as Steph (librarian) makes sure there are lots of exciting books for us to choose from. 

Below are some pictures of us reading the many books available:

ANZAC Day Pride

Room 4 looked into what ANZAC Day is and what it means to New Zealanders' and Australians in Term 2. We used the story of ANZAC Ted to help us learn more about this important day. Below is a link to the youtube video of ANZAC Ted, for your enjoyment. 

We were lucky enough to be involved in our ANZAC ceremony as well. Maia was asked to say the Ode of Remembrance in front of the whole school, she did a great job!

During our inquiry into ANZAC, I also brought into school my Grandad's War Medals. These were shared with the whole class and gave students' a little more understanding of the importance of this day. 

Now for our new fence! The Middle School decided to have an ANZAC themed front fence, which looked great. Each class produced a cardboard piece, at the end; the fence looked amazing. 

ANZAC Ted - Click on this link to watch the ANZAC Ted film. 

Our cardboard display that was put on the front fence.

Our AWESOME soldier art!

The ANZAC Ted book that we absolutely recommend!

Back The Black Caps

Room 4 decided that our school needed a 'fence' supporting our Black Caps.
We decided to lead the school by producing a HUGE banner with "Back The Black Caps" on it, and decided that every classroom could produce a mini poster to go with the banner...and what a HIT this 'fence' was! 
Room 4 were hugely proud of what we produced, with help from our Buddy Class Room 14!

Below is a picture of our awesome banner:

Maui and The Sun

Last Term Room 4 was intrigued by the Maori Myth: Maui and the Sun. We watched a youtube video of the myth and were amazed by how effective the sun (ra) looked in the video. So we decided to do some artwork to add to our learning. 

Below is the link to the video we watched for your enjoyment: 

Below are some pictures of our finished art: 

Buddy Time with Room 14

Room 4 have some awesome 'buddies' at Bledisloe. Room 14 is our Buddy class, we try and do lots of things together where the students learn from each other; enforcing the tuakana teina theory, where older students teach younger students. 
We have found that Room 4 respond incredibly well to having older buddies within the school. At morning tea and lunch time they often find their buddy for a chat and vice versa. 
So far this year we have done crafts, T-Ball, ICT fun and many other activities with our buddies. 

Below are just some of the pictures of what we have been up to with Room 14:

Wednesday's with Hoani

Wow! We are super lucky to have Hoani at our school. Every Wednesday Room 4 looks forward to our weekly visit from Hoani when we perform our school song and other waiata's and also when we learn some new Te Reo. 

We absolutely love 'Hoani Time' in Room 4 and would love to share with you one of our videos...more to come soon!
Have a little listen below :)

Moteo Marae

Earlier on in the year we were extremely lucky to visit the Moteo Marae. We were able to put a lot of what Hoani teaches us into practice and performed many of our waiatas to people in our community.
We had a great day filled with lots of activities and lots of FOOD! (Which the kids all said was their favourite part about the day...of course!) By the time we got back to school the kids were all extremely tired and were in need of some deserved sleep!
Below is a picture of us waiting for our next craft activity to begin:

Latest Bledisloe Newsletter

Hi Everyone! Below I have attached the latest Bledisloe newsletter for you all to have a read of. 
I hope you are all having a great holiday and keeping safe! 
I cannot wait to hear about your adventures next week! 
Miss Woods :) 

Bledisloe Newsletter