Saturday, 9 August 2014

Under The Sea

Thank you so much to all those families who donated some old CDs for us! 
We have used them to create some very colourful sea animals. 
The kids had so much fun making these and they look great hanging from our net by the fish tank. 


  1. Wow Room 4! I love your sea creatures, I will have to be careful not to get tangled up in your net when I come to visit you in Room 4. I love seeing all your creative learning, Ka Pai tamariki
    Mrs Bevis

    1. Hi Mrs Bevis! Thank you so much for your message on our blog. Yes! You better be careful of our fish when you come through the door as they might blow bubbles on you...and maybe one of our real fish might jump on you (this has happened!)
      We loved making our fish and tried really hard to make them look colourful, we hope when you see them that you will like them.
      Lots of love,
      Room 4
